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Summer 1999, Volume 26, Number 3

Editor's Introduction: Advancing Educational Opportunities in a Multicultural Society
Thomas G. Nelson

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Assessing Preservice Teachers’ Zones of Concern and Comfort with Multicultural Education
Carmen Montecinos & Francisco A. Rios
Full Article

Those Who Can, Teach: Reflecting on Teaching Diverse Populations
Vivian Fueyo with Stephanie Bechtol

Full Article

Beginning Teacher Standards: Impact on Second-Language Learners and Implications for Teacher Education
Ronald W. Solórzano & Daniel G. Solórzano

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Teaching the Second-Language Testing Course Through Test Development by Teachers-in-Training
Ruth Johnson, Preston Becker, & Floyd Olive

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From Boarding Schools to the Multicultural Classroom: The Intercultural Politics of Education, Assimilation, and American Indians
John Sanchez & Mary E. Stuckey

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The Magic of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: In Search of the Genie’s Lamp in Multicultural Education
Nawang Phuntsog

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