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Critical Pedagogy: Revitalizing and Democratizing Teacher Education
2004 - Volume 31, Number 1
Introduction: Critical Pedagogy: Revitalizing and Democratizing Teacher Education
Pepi Leistyna, Magaly Lavadenz, & Thomas G. Nelson
Presence of Mind in the Process of Learning and Knowing: A Dialogue with Paulo Friere
Pepi Leistyna |
Critical Pedagogy and the Postmodern/Modern Divide: Towards a Pedagogy of Democratization
Henry A. Giroux |
The Knowledges of Teacher Education: Developing a Critical Complex Epistemology
Joe L. Kincheloe
Making the Road by Walking and Talking: Critical Literacy and/as Professonal Development in a Teacher Inquiry Group
Cathy Luna, Maria Jose Botelho, Dawn Fontaine, Kristen French, Kristen Iverson, & Nelida Matos
Scaffolding Conscientization through Inquiry in Teacher Education
Christine Sleeter, Myriam N. Torres, & Peggy Laughlin |
Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education: Radicalizing Prospective Teachers
Lilia I. Bartolomé |
Embers of Hope: In Search of a Meaningful Critical Pedagogy
William Ayers, Gregory Michie,& Amy Rome |
Teaching in and against the Empire: Critical Pedagogy as Revolutionary Praxis
Peter McLaren, Gregory Martin, Ramin Farahmandpur, & Nathalia Jaramillo |
Coco-Cola's Global Lessons: from Education for Corporate Globalization to Education for Global Justice
Kenneth J. Saltman |
New Schools, New Knowledge, New Teachers: Creating the Citizen School in Porto Algere, Brazil
Luis Armando Gandin & Michael W. Apple |
We Change the World By Doing Nothing
Suzanne Soo Hoo |
Thomas Nelson |